Proposals // Zac
OK – Proposals…
1 – Projection Suit
I’m interested in how contemporary society engages with the screen. Where once we found fulfillment and happiness in our physical existence; our relationships, our trade, spectacles of life – we now rely much more on the moving image, which presents itself often through a 2Dimensional screen, to satisfy our desires of fulfillment. Our physical being no longer distinguishes our person, we construct identities in the digital world that we perceive to be real.
Where once we entered the painting, we now enter the screen. If you look around the train during your next ‘Showtime’, have a look and see just how many people are staring blankly into a screen. Oblivious to their physical space – they could be anywhere.
So, how do we how do we draw these people back into a world where surprise and interpersonal experiences satisfy our attention? With a screen.
I’m looking to create a rear projection mapped mask/suit for performance and demonstration. We can captivate and inspire unsuspecting, often unwilling, audiences – reappropriating the screen and removing it from it’s fixed context, which is ‘I sit in front of you when I please’ or ‘I pull you from my pocket when I please’.
Using Holographic Film and a 3d printed frame, harness and supports – I will create a frame that will use mirrored panels to bounce and refract the image onto the appropriate surfaces – ultimately creating a screen that can be used in public performance and demonstration.
Other ideas I explored:
2/ Drone Projector Setup –
Miniature Projector + Drone = Agile Messaging tool.
Maneuver messages/imagery in hard to reach places.
3 /Landscape View(er) –
Implementing camera and lighting techniques from film into the everyday environment. Cinematic techniques build a greater emotional response when there are elements we can associate with memories ie a red glow or lens flare while the camera pans onto a brightly lit beach or pool scene. Or desaturating color in a blistery and cold environment. What if we could once again recycle these manipulative techniques to enhance viewer’s perception of real life experiences. This particular example explores the use of light manipulation of tourist’s viewing landmarks through the lenses of cameras, binoculars and other viewing devices by unwittingly projecting onto transparent film as they have one eye closed, and the other through the camera.
Hi Zac, I think your ideas are really neat! The first one in particular is interesting and made me think. Our screens are often where our eyes live nowadays, and being able to disrupt the flatness of that medium is something that could be interesting to explore. It would be cool to see how you incorporate one screen for all.. as in how can what’s on one screen cater to the whole group’s attention.
Hi all of your ideas are interesting but I like your first idea especially. Maybe you can separate images into layers to get dimensionality.
I mean, the second one is genius, though that’s in large part just because I wanna see a projector drone CRASH. Actually, crashing a projector drone could itself be a statement on the overuse, misuse and abuse of projectors as a medium in the DT program (though never by you, Zac… never by you).
We both know you’re not doing the 3rd idea so I’ll skip that.
So the first concept is very well justified — I definitely get what you’re trying to do and I like the angle. (It’s not that different from what a projector drone would do, actually.)
I think the scope of the real project just needs flushing out — figuring how you get the coolest effect within the time we have left this semester.
ONE IDEA: WHAT ABOUT ***COMBINING*** #1 and #2? What if you had a little drone with a little projector that followed someone around, projecting a suit onto them all the time?