Self Portrait – Regina
My inspiration for this project came from a project from the Met’s Media Lab called Extruded Rembrandt. The artist used images of historical paintings as inputs to generate 3D prints using the HSB from the images. I wanted to try and make something like this for my Self Portrait.
I based this work off a YouTube tutorial which can be found here.
I first started out in Grasshopper by making a series of points in a grid and extruding them into boxes. Then by using a curve in Rhino I saw how you could vary the height of the boxes around the curve to create a gradient of sorts.
Next I used this idea to input an image into Grasshopper that would vary the height of the boxes based on the brightness of the image:
I noticed that the black and white image did not work very well so I changed to a color image. I also increased the number of boxes in my grid – effectively adding the “resolution” of the image to scale up the image in Rhino.
To improve the final piece I worked with the the scale of the Rhino file. Using MeshMixer I sliced off the extraneous edges. I made the piece a lot smaller to improve the printing and I printed it using translucent filament to increase the light transparency. The final piece is better quality than the original and definitely an improvement!