During our first class, we were asked to criticize ourselves in the realm of a designer. My answer was reduction. I have a tendency to complicate my design process by interjecting new ideas. Instead of working on perfecting the one feature, I move on to develop new features.
My challenge was to design something simple.
I designed a cup holder for the subway. Not as a permanent addition. As a small, carried item. I left them attached to poles for the duration of my commute to school. No one utilized one. It was 2 PM, so the number of carried beverages were significantly less. My new goal is to document strangers using the cupholders.
I originally sketched the design for a subway cup. Said design included a telescoping body to flatten into concentric rings. It also included a collapsable rail clip. I realized that it was not a simple object. It was simple in use but not in design.
I reinterpreted simple to apply to the ease at which it could be reproduced by another.
After speaking with Digital Noah & Angela Chen about my design, they both mentioned a similar project called “pop-up lunch.”
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