Grow it Yourself

Foamcore Test

Weary to waste acrylic, I had my first prototype laser cut out of foamcore.  Not only is this material inexpensive, but it is 3/16″ thick, which gives me a better idea on how my pieces are fitting together (the plastic will be 1/4″ thick).  Check out how the foam contracted from the heat of the laser.  Reminds me of marshmallows.  Mmm.

It was a good thing. I was so caught up learning how to properly merge and divide paths in illustrator, I made all edges homogeneous. Or maybe it was the lack of sleep.

You can judge by the photographs how far I could assemble the table with all of the mistakes that existed.  The tops and bottoms were fine, but the side tabs were reversed.  Doh!

Here’s a detail of one of the more troublesome pieces.  All the notes made for a nice acrylic piece on my second iteration.

[flickr-gallery mode=”tag” tags=”foamcore” tag_mode=”all” sort=”date-taken-asc”]

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